Monday, 4 May 2009

The contour abs belt - I bought one

I recently saw a TV commercial for the contour abs belt (as the saying goes, 'as seen on TV'!), and paid a visit to their website.

To cut a long story short, I ended up ordering one without doing my research first, or bothering to read the terms on their website. I didn't realise that in total, it was going to cost me over $200!! First there was the $14.95 "free trial" fee, and then FOUR payments on my credit card, $49 a month!! My own fault for not reading the terms I guess...

I thought all along that I would buy a Flexbelt, I've been looking for a while and a couple friends already have one - but I saw the contour abs belt and figured it was a LOT cheaper...if I'd realised it was going to work out more expensive than the flexbelt, I'd have just ordered that in the first place!

So now, I have the hassle of returning the contour ab belt...I'm not going to keep it, the quality isn't that great and I KNOW the flexbelt is good and works. I found a very positive review of it which helped make my mind up this as soon as contour abs refund me, I'm ordering a flexbelt! (Read this review of the contour abs click here)

The only thing I have to decide now is whether to get the ab belt version, or the new Flex 'Enervive' one they just started doing - I know I can trust the brand this time not to rip me off, and the Enervive seems pretty practical as you can use it on all muscle groups as the gel pads are not held in a belt and can be applied anywhere you wish to target.

Just don't try to cut corners like I did, don't fall for the hype of the contour abs and get the best ab toner from the start!

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