Monday, 4 May 2009

Abdominal toning belts

Abdominal muscles are one of the most sought after requests for toning advice today. This is mainly because they are one of the hardest body areas to get into top shape. In a world where lean and trim stars grab the headlines every day, its no wonder why people are wanting to look as good as those in the newspapers.
To get a six pack, it is not as easy as just losing weight, or focusing your exercise regime solely on toning your abs. It is true that you need both in order to notice the effects, but you simply need more than that. Your body will get used to repeated exercises so you will stop getting any gain from it if you use one form of exercise.
However, this is ok because there is plenty you can do. First of all you will need to be serious about your regime as too many people start out well, for a week or two, and then stop doing everything. This is usually the 'Christmas brigade' as I like to call them - those that start exercising after Christmas and give up far too easily as it seems like hard work.
The bad news is, you simply cannot target one area of your body where you want to lose weight - it may see disproportionate at times, but your body knows what is best for you. You will need to do a variety of exercise, swimming, walking, running, cycling, Pilates, weights and trampolines are all good examples of exercises you could be doing right now to be burning fat around your waist.
The good news though is that there are a number of things you can do as well as these exercises to improve your results. One of the best things you could be doing is using an ab toning belt. These have been around for a long time, and are getting better with technological advancements and more research into them. They are used by clinics and medical institutions around the world so they should not be seen as a gimmick. The FDA has cleared the Flex Belt ab toner.
By using a small electric current that are sent to pads inside the belt, it causes muscles to automatically contract and expand which strengthens them - this is done incredibly quickly for maximum results, and only takes 20-30 minutes per workout. There is no reason why you cant wear an ab belt while you are doing the shopping or on the bus!

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