Monday, 4 May 2009

Review of The Contour ab belt

Review of the Contour Ab Muscle toning Belt

Abdominal toning belts are much more than just another piece of exercise equipment. They use the same proven technology that has been used on physical therapy patients for over twenty years. These belts are made with gel pads that fit over your abdominal muscles. The ab belt sends a charge through the gel pads to the muscles underneath, then to the muscles that branch out from there. The signals reach all of your abdominal muscles, causing them to flex and contract. That means your abdominal muscles can work by themselves to make them stronger and more toned! Ab belts are the quick, safe and convenient alternative to doing hundreds of situps or crunches every day!

Read on for our full review.

Do I have to exercise to see results with an ab belt?

No, you don't! That's the really great thing about using an abdominal belt. It doesn't matter if you exercise already or not at all. It makes your abdominal muscles contract by themselves, so they work out even if you don't. The abdominal toning belts are designed to work for all ages, all fitness levels, at all stages of your life. You can wear an abdominal belt while you do cardio exercise, do chores, watch TV or just sit at a desk (imagine how easy that is!) Thirty minutes a day is all it takes to let your abdominal belt take your muscles from flabby to toned and fit.

Muscle toning belts are also particularly suitable to those suffering from sports or other muscle-related injuries, because they allow the user to gently work the affected muscle area without risk of straining or tearing it further!

The only thing that will limit the results you get is the quality of the abdominal belt you choose! Read our detailed look at the flex belt below for further information.

The Contour Abs belt

The Contour Abs Belt (a.k.a. Contour Abs or Contour Core Sculpting System) is available for $199.80, but doesn't offer nearly the quality of construction and performance or ease of operation of the other belts. Since the price is nearly the same as the Flexbelt, the Flexbelt is obviously better value for your money. There is a lot of hype around this product due to all the adverts they show on TV for it.

There is also once again no money back guarantee offered, which is of slight concern given that this ab belt is the same price as the Flexbelt! Overall we experienced faster results with the flexbelt ab belt, and found it to be much better quality.

* Good second choice ab toner

* Effective at toning ab muscles

* $14.95 14 day trial

* Not FDA cleared

* Success rate less than Flexbelt

* No money back guarantee after 14 day trial

* As seen on TV!

Visit the official Contour Abs website »

If you want to improve the condition of your abs, then there's no doubt that using an electronic ab belt to give you the strength and tone you want makes sense.

If quality and results are the most important to you, then the Flex Belt is the ab toning belt that should be your choice!

The Flexbelt combines high quality with proven results and is backed by a great manufacturer and FDA cleared, a 60 day money back guarantee, numerous major sports stars and positive press reviews. We consider the flexbelt to be the best ab toning belt available.

If you believe the TV infomercials, the Contour Abs has been reported to show decent results, but we would go for the Flex Belt as it gave us quicker results and was better quality.

You can read a good comparison of the flexbelt and contour abs here

1 comment:

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