Monday, 4 May 2009

Ab tightener belt

Using Flex Belt ab toning belt in just 30 minutes is equivalent to doing more than 600 sit-ups lying on you back without breaking a sweat. This is possible thankful the Electronic muscle stimulation Slendetone's engineers, developers and researchers integrated into their FDA cleared toning devices.

Electro muscle stimulation gives a fantastic feeling. Now it is possible to tone your body without a hard work involved. There are several devices adjusted for different body pars for both men and women.

The Flex Belt ab toning System - most advanced ab toning belt equipped with a special controller is a total body toning solution. It gives the chance to get strong, firm, toned abs in just weeks. Benefit of various settings controller provide you, it can speed up muscle toning process. The controller can be swapped between several units - buy only one controller for a family and save money.

Those ones who want to squeeze the maximum of muscle toning belt's possibilities may try.

Flex Belt does work. You can't expect to have flat abs overnight. What you need is to combine ab toning belt with tenacity, patience, good diet and exercises. If you are a serious fitness fan and you will use it as part of your workout then buy one.

Flex Belt really works but for better results you should do the gym or just walk a lot. Also it is important to use it everyday and follow 30 day training plan. It is boring a bit but my friend loves my flatten stomach thus he motivate me to keep going at it.

If used properly, the Flex Belt Ab Belt should show great results. Or money back no questions ask.

The Flex belt is the highest quality most up to date abdominal toning belt you can buy. It's also known as 'Slendertone System Abs' because it's officially the next generation of the Slendertone Flex. Just read the ab toning belt reviews and you will see that more people who have used the Flexbelt have gotten better results than those using other types of ab belts. For $199.99, you get the Flex Belt abdominal toning belt, four gel pads, the rechargeable battery pack, extension for larger waists, carrying case, and a user's manual.

The Flexbelt is easy to use, and works for everyone. You also have total peace of mind because its the ONLY one of the ab toning belts we reviewed that offers a full 60-day money back guarantee - this alone shows that the manufacturers are confident in their product, which is always a good sign!
It's also the only ab toning belt available that is fully FDA cleared!

* Easy to use wherever you are!

* Comfortable to wear and comes with rechargable battery pack

* Quicker results than the other ab belts tested

* ONLY ab belt with FDA clearance

* Two-year warranty

* 60 Day no-question money back guarantee

* Free gift - 12 month magazine subscription

* The most up to date ab toner on the market!

* The BEST abdominal toning belt available on the market today!

Click here to visit the official Flex Belt website »


  1. Can I get to see the demo of the Flex belt that are used for toning abs?What other exercises should be followed along with this belt?

  2. Flex Belt is not like the other products that are out in the market these days. It comes from trustworthy and knowledgeable developers and it has been tried and tested to assure that it will really work on your abdominal muscles.

    Flex Belt Review
