Monday, 4 May 2009

Do the flex belt ab toner work?

Whether they work or not, weight loss products that promise to deliver rapid results with relatively little effort seem to garner a lot of interest among dieters. Perhaps it is because we are all aware of how difficult the journey towards lasting weight loss could be, and we just want to be cut some slack. While these overnight products generally are not reliable, there are products, like the Flex Belt, that may bridge the gap for many uninspired dieters.
Product at a Glance
An ab toning belt could prove useful for not only dieters who wish to slim down their belly area, but for anyone from casual exercisers to new mothers, senior citizens or anyone else who would like stronger, more attractive abs. The basic concept of such a fitness device is to stimulate the muscles in the abdominal region as if we were performing a crunch, sit up or another fitness routine for the abs.
Product in Focus
Employing the unique Electric Muscle Stimulation (EMS) technology, this product has been recognized by the FDA as an acceptable fitness product for consumers to use directly. This technology is said to have been calibrated to zone in on the lower abs, the obliques and other muscles that are typically hard to work out. As a result, we may no longer have to struggle to make time for the gym every day, wasting money every month.
The Flex Belt abdominal toner can be adjusted to range in power settings from low (1) to high (100), so it appears that novices and veterans alike can find a use for this product. According to one clinical study, participants reported a nearly 50 percent increase in abdominal strength, while most users reportedly showed improvements in the appearance of the ab muscles. Medical grade GelPads are said to provide maximum comfort for everyday use.
· The FDA has cleared this ab toning system for regular consumer use
· The belt targets hard to reach muscles like the obliques and the lower abs
· The product is hands free, and the power settings can be adjusted manually
· A 100 percent, 60 day money back guarantee accompanies all orders
· The belt may eliminate the need to perform strenuous sit ups, crunches, etc.
· The ab toning belt may not be available for purchase in brick and mortar stores - you can buy one here on the official website
· This product should not replace a well rounded health and fitness program
Final Thoughts
When we are presented with a nifty gadget like the Flex Belt, the sloth in all of us may envision an extended period of coasting through our fitness plans while achieving those rock hard, washboard abs we've always wanted. Such fantasies are certainly unproductive, but those of us looking for an effective alternative to the hundreds of reps of sit ups and crunches that we would otherwise have to do, such a product could provide a much needed boost. You can check out some different perspectives on this product, and on this topic in general, by exploring the links below.
See how the flex belt did in the ab belt review - did it come out on top in a test of the four most popular ab belts?

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