Thursday, 5 November 2009

Read this before you buy a contour abs belt!

You're sure to have seen the TV infomercials for the contour abs toning belt, and they look great don't they?

I thought so, so I ordered one by paying $14.95 on their website for a 'free trial'. Shipping is incredibly slow and my order took over 3 weeks to arrive, which annoyed me to start with as it means the free trial period is expired before I even got the ab belt!

When I first got the Contour Abs I didn't think it looked like very good quality and in fact it actually broke after only 3 weeks. I returned it, expecting a refund only to find they kept charging my credit card $49.95 each month (they split the cost as its expensive, $49.95 for 4 months).

After a lot of phone calls i managed to get my refund, and this time did some research online - I ended up buying a flex belt ab toner as it seems to be the one that everyone rates best for quality etc.

I'm really happy with the flex belt, and I just wanted to write this article so that others don't make the same mistake i did - do your research online before you buy a Contour Abs!

I found this is a good ab belt review - and you can buy your flex belt ab toner from the official website here.
Does the contour ab belt work? I used to think so, before I saw the comparison with the flexbelt at the contour abs.

Watch the contour abs infomercial - it looks really great, but its not very good.

Warning! Do not buy a contour ab belt before you read the reviews online. There is a good one comparing the contour belt to the flex belt.

Friday, 30 October 2009

New flex belt ab toner video

New flex belt ab toner video commercial out today! Watch below:

Read the comparison of the contour abs and the flex belt before you buy an ab belt!

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Contour Abs vs Flex Belt

Thinking of buying either the flexbelt or the contour abs ab toning belts?

Well don't, at least until you read this review of both of them - tested head to head and with all features outlined for full comparison, read the article before you buy!

Click here to read the full Flex Belt vs Contour Abs review

Friday, 25 September 2009

Good ab exercise machine review

Good review of the ab circle pro ab toning machine over at ab belts reviewed - read the full review here and see which ab machine came out top in their test of four leading ab machines.

Thursday, 21 May 2009

Where Can I Buy The Flex Belt?

The Flex belt is probably the most popular ab toning belt on the market today. So where can you buy one?

The makers of the Flex belt ab toner have never allowed anyone to sell their product for them, preferring instead to sell it exclusively themselves through their own official flex belt website.

So, you can't buy the flex belt ab toner in stores - ONLY from the official flex belt website. Anyone offering the Flex belt for sale apart from the manufacturer is NOT authorised to sell them, and if you buy from an unauthorised source there is no 60 day no-questions money back guarantee, and NO two year warranty!

Click here to buy your Flexbelt ab toner from the OFFICIAL website today!

Monday, 4 May 2009

Ab tightener belt

Using Flex Belt ab toning belt in just 30 minutes is equivalent to doing more than 600 sit-ups lying on you back without breaking a sweat. This is possible thankful the Electronic muscle stimulation Slendetone's engineers, developers and researchers integrated into their FDA cleared toning devices.

Electro muscle stimulation gives a fantastic feeling. Now it is possible to tone your body without a hard work involved. There are several devices adjusted for different body pars for both men and women.

The Flex Belt ab toning System - most advanced ab toning belt equipped with a special controller is a total body toning solution. It gives the chance to get strong, firm, toned abs in just weeks. Benefit of various settings controller provide you, it can speed up muscle toning process. The controller can be swapped between several units - buy only one controller for a family and save money.

Those ones who want to squeeze the maximum of muscle toning belt's possibilities may try.

Flex Belt does work. You can't expect to have flat abs overnight. What you need is to combine ab toning belt with tenacity, patience, good diet and exercises. If you are a serious fitness fan and you will use it as part of your workout then buy one.

Flex Belt really works but for better results you should do the gym or just walk a lot. Also it is important to use it everyday and follow 30 day training plan. It is boring a bit but my friend loves my flatten stomach thus he motivate me to keep going at it.

If used properly, the Flex Belt Ab Belt should show great results. Or money back no questions ask.

The Flex belt is the highest quality most up to date abdominal toning belt you can buy. It's also known as 'Slendertone System Abs' because it's officially the next generation of the Slendertone Flex. Just read the ab toning belt reviews and you will see that more people who have used the Flexbelt have gotten better results than those using other types of ab belts. For $199.99, you get the Flex Belt abdominal toning belt, four gel pads, the rechargeable battery pack, extension for larger waists, carrying case, and a user's manual.

The Flexbelt is easy to use, and works for everyone. You also have total peace of mind because its the ONLY one of the ab toning belts we reviewed that offers a full 60-day money back guarantee - this alone shows that the manufacturers are confident in their product, which is always a good sign!
It's also the only ab toning belt available that is fully FDA cleared!

* Easy to use wherever you are!

* Comfortable to wear and comes with rechargable battery pack

* Quicker results than the other ab belts tested

* ONLY ab belt with FDA clearance

* Two-year warranty

* 60 Day no-question money back guarantee

* Free gift - 12 month magazine subscription

* The most up to date ab toner on the market!

* The BEST abdominal toning belt available on the market today!

Click here to visit the official Flex Belt website »

The contour abs belt - I bought one

I recently saw a TV commercial for the contour abs belt (as the saying goes, 'as seen on TV'!), and paid a visit to their website.

To cut a long story short, I ended up ordering one without doing my research first, or bothering to read the terms on their website. I didn't realise that in total, it was going to cost me over $200!! First there was the $14.95 "free trial" fee, and then FOUR payments on my credit card, $49 a month!! My own fault for not reading the terms I guess...

I thought all along that I would buy a Flexbelt, I've been looking for a while and a couple friends already have one - but I saw the contour abs belt and figured it was a LOT cheaper...if I'd realised it was going to work out more expensive than the flexbelt, I'd have just ordered that in the first place!

So now, I have the hassle of returning the contour ab belt...I'm not going to keep it, the quality isn't that great and I KNOW the flexbelt is good and works. I found a very positive review of it which helped make my mind up this as soon as contour abs refund me, I'm ordering a flexbelt! (Read this review of the contour abs click here)

The only thing I have to decide now is whether to get the ab belt version, or the new Flex 'Enervive' one they just started doing - I know I can trust the brand this time not to rip me off, and the Enervive seems pretty practical as you can use it on all muscle groups as the gel pads are not held in a belt and can be applied anywhere you wish to target.

Just don't try to cut corners like I did, don't fall for the hype of the contour abs and get the best ab toner from the start!

Abdominal toning belts

Abdominal muscles are one of the most sought after requests for toning advice today. This is mainly because they are one of the hardest body areas to get into top shape. In a world where lean and trim stars grab the headlines every day, its no wonder why people are wanting to look as good as those in the newspapers.
To get a six pack, it is not as easy as just losing weight, or focusing your exercise regime solely on toning your abs. It is true that you need both in order to notice the effects, but you simply need more than that. Your body will get used to repeated exercises so you will stop getting any gain from it if you use one form of exercise.
However, this is ok because there is plenty you can do. First of all you will need to be serious about your regime as too many people start out well, for a week or two, and then stop doing everything. This is usually the 'Christmas brigade' as I like to call them - those that start exercising after Christmas and give up far too easily as it seems like hard work.
The bad news is, you simply cannot target one area of your body where you want to lose weight - it may see disproportionate at times, but your body knows what is best for you. You will need to do a variety of exercise, swimming, walking, running, cycling, Pilates, weights and trampolines are all good examples of exercises you could be doing right now to be burning fat around your waist.
The good news though is that there are a number of things you can do as well as these exercises to improve your results. One of the best things you could be doing is using an ab toning belt. These have been around for a long time, and are getting better with technological advancements and more research into them. They are used by clinics and medical institutions around the world so they should not be seen as a gimmick. The FDA has cleared the Flex Belt ab toner.
By using a small electric current that are sent to pads inside the belt, it causes muscles to automatically contract and expand which strengthens them - this is done incredibly quickly for maximum results, and only takes 20-30 minutes per workout. There is no reason why you cant wear an ab belt while you are doing the shopping or on the bus!

Do the flex belt ab toner work?

Whether they work or not, weight loss products that promise to deliver rapid results with relatively little effort seem to garner a lot of interest among dieters. Perhaps it is because we are all aware of how difficult the journey towards lasting weight loss could be, and we just want to be cut some slack. While these overnight products generally are not reliable, there are products, like the Flex Belt, that may bridge the gap for many uninspired dieters.
Product at a Glance
An ab toning belt could prove useful for not only dieters who wish to slim down their belly area, but for anyone from casual exercisers to new mothers, senior citizens or anyone else who would like stronger, more attractive abs. The basic concept of such a fitness device is to stimulate the muscles in the abdominal region as if we were performing a crunch, sit up or another fitness routine for the abs.
Product in Focus
Employing the unique Electric Muscle Stimulation (EMS) technology, this product has been recognized by the FDA as an acceptable fitness product for consumers to use directly. This technology is said to have been calibrated to zone in on the lower abs, the obliques and other muscles that are typically hard to work out. As a result, we may no longer have to struggle to make time for the gym every day, wasting money every month.
The Flex Belt abdominal toner can be adjusted to range in power settings from low (1) to high (100), so it appears that novices and veterans alike can find a use for this product. According to one clinical study, participants reported a nearly 50 percent increase in abdominal strength, while most users reportedly showed improvements in the appearance of the ab muscles. Medical grade GelPads are said to provide maximum comfort for everyday use.
· The FDA has cleared this ab toning system for regular consumer use
· The belt targets hard to reach muscles like the obliques and the lower abs
· The product is hands free, and the power settings can be adjusted manually
· A 100 percent, 60 day money back guarantee accompanies all orders
· The belt may eliminate the need to perform strenuous sit ups, crunches, etc.
· The ab toning belt may not be available for purchase in brick and mortar stores - you can buy one here on the official website
· This product should not replace a well rounded health and fitness program
Final Thoughts
When we are presented with a nifty gadget like the Flex Belt, the sloth in all of us may envision an extended period of coasting through our fitness plans while achieving those rock hard, washboard abs we've always wanted. Such fantasies are certainly unproductive, but those of us looking for an effective alternative to the hundreds of reps of sit ups and crunches that we would otherwise have to do, such a product could provide a much needed boost. You can check out some different perspectives on this product, and on this topic in general, by exploring the links below.
See how the flex belt did in the ab belt review - did it come out on top in a test of the four most popular ab belts?

Review of The Contour ab belt

Review of the Contour Ab Muscle toning Belt

Abdominal toning belts are much more than just another piece of exercise equipment. They use the same proven technology that has been used on physical therapy patients for over twenty years. These belts are made with gel pads that fit over your abdominal muscles. The ab belt sends a charge through the gel pads to the muscles underneath, then to the muscles that branch out from there. The signals reach all of your abdominal muscles, causing them to flex and contract. That means your abdominal muscles can work by themselves to make them stronger and more toned! Ab belts are the quick, safe and convenient alternative to doing hundreds of situps or crunches every day!

Read on for our full review.

Do I have to exercise to see results with an ab belt?

No, you don't! That's the really great thing about using an abdominal belt. It doesn't matter if you exercise already or not at all. It makes your abdominal muscles contract by themselves, so they work out even if you don't. The abdominal toning belts are designed to work for all ages, all fitness levels, at all stages of your life. You can wear an abdominal belt while you do cardio exercise, do chores, watch TV or just sit at a desk (imagine how easy that is!) Thirty minutes a day is all it takes to let your abdominal belt take your muscles from flabby to toned and fit.

Muscle toning belts are also particularly suitable to those suffering from sports or other muscle-related injuries, because they allow the user to gently work the affected muscle area without risk of straining or tearing it further!

The only thing that will limit the results you get is the quality of the abdominal belt you choose! Read our detailed look at the flex belt below for further information.

The Contour Abs belt

The Contour Abs Belt (a.k.a. Contour Abs or Contour Core Sculpting System) is available for $199.80, but doesn't offer nearly the quality of construction and performance or ease of operation of the other belts. Since the price is nearly the same as the Flexbelt, the Flexbelt is obviously better value for your money. There is a lot of hype around this product due to all the adverts they show on TV for it.

There is also once again no money back guarantee offered, which is of slight concern given that this ab belt is the same price as the Flexbelt! Overall we experienced faster results with the flexbelt ab belt, and found it to be much better quality.

* Good second choice ab toner

* Effective at toning ab muscles

* $14.95 14 day trial

* Not FDA cleared

* Success rate less than Flexbelt

* No money back guarantee after 14 day trial

* As seen on TV!

Visit the official Contour Abs website »

If you want to improve the condition of your abs, then there's no doubt that using an electronic ab belt to give you the strength and tone you want makes sense.

If quality and results are the most important to you, then the Flex Belt is the ab toning belt that should be your choice!

The Flexbelt combines high quality with proven results and is backed by a great manufacturer and FDA cleared, a 60 day money back guarantee, numerous major sports stars and positive press reviews. We consider the flexbelt to be the best ab toning belt available.

If you believe the TV infomercials, the Contour Abs has been reported to show decent results, but we would go for the Flex Belt as it gave us quicker results and was better quality.

You can read a good comparison of the flexbelt and contour abs here

The Flex Belt Ab Belt Reviewed

Review of the Flex Belt Electoronic Muscle Toner Belt

Abdominal toning belts are much more than just another piece of exercise equipment. They use the same proven technology that has been used on physical therapy patients for over twenty years. These belts are made with gel pads that fit over your abdominal muscles. The ab belt sends a charge through the gel pads to the muscles underneath, then to the muscles that branch out from there. The signals reach all of your abdominal muscles, causing them to flex and contract. That means your abdominal muscles can work by themselves to make them stronger and more toned! Ab belts are the quick, safe and convenient alternative to doing hundreds of situps or crunches every day!

Read on for our full review.

Do I have to exercise to see results with an ab belt?

No, you don't! That's the really great thing about using an abdominal belt. It doesn't matter if you exercise already or not at all. It makes your abdominal muscles contract by themselves, so they work out even if you don't. The abdominal toning belts are designed to work for all ages, all fitness levels, at all stages of your life. You can wear an abdominal belt while you do cardio exercise, do chores, watch TV or just sit at a desk (imagine how easy that is!) Thirty minutes a day is all it takes to let your abdominal belt take your muscles from flabby to toned and fit.

Muscle toning belts are also particularly suitable to those suffering from sports or other muscle-related injuries, because they allow the user to gently work the affected muscle area without risk of straining or tearing it further!

The only thing that will limit the results you get is the quality of the abdominal belt you choose! Read our detailed look at the flex belt below for further information.

The Flex Belt

The Flex belt is the highest quality most up to date abdominal toning belt you can buy. It's also known as 'Slendertone System Abs' because it's officially the next generation of the Slendertone Flex. Just read the ab belt reviews and you will see that more people who have used the Flexbelt have gotten better results than those using other types of ab belts. For $199.99, you get the Flex Belt abdominal toning belt, four gel pads, the rechargeable battery pack, extension for larger waists, carrying case, and a user's manual.

The Flexbelt is easy to use, and works for everyone. You also have total peace of mind because its the ONLY one of the ab toning belts we reviewed that offers a full 60-day money back guarantee - this alone shows that the manufacturers are confident in their product, which is always a good sign!
It's also the only ab toning belt available that is fully FDA cleared!

* Easy to use wherever you are!

* Comfortable to wear and comes with rechargable battery pack

* Quicker results than the other ab belts tested

* ONLY ab belt with FDA clearance

* Two-year warranty

* 60 Day no-question money back guarantee

* Free gift - 12 month magazine subscription to Fitness or Maxim

* The most up to date ab toner on the market!

Click here to visit the official Flex Belt website »

If you want to improve the condition of your abs, then there's no doubt that using an electronic ab belt to give you the strength and tone you want makes sense. It also makes sense to check out the ab belt comparison table above and compare the belts to see which one you think is going to give you the best results you can get for your money.

If quality and results are the most important to you, then the Flex Belt is the ab toning belt that should be your choice!

The Flexbelt combines high quality with proven results and is backed by a great manufacturer and FDA clearance, a 60 day money back guarantee, numerous major sports stars and positive press reviews. We consider the flexbelt to be the best ab toning belt available.

If you believe the TV infomercials, the Contour Ab belt has been reported to show decent results, but we would go for the Flex Belt as it gave us quicker results and was better quality.

The Flex Belt Abdominal Toner

I just tried out the FlexBelt Electronic Muscle Stimulator to fight my increasingly flabby ab muscles, it was kind of weird at first, but it sure did work well!

When it came in the mail, I opened it thinking it would be some sort of strange belt with diodes and stuff sticking out, but it just looked like a hernia belt or something. I put it on, sat down in front of the TV and cranked it up and WOW - it was pretty intense! I turned it down toward the beginner end of the dial, I never thought one of these as seen on tv ab belts would be so powerful.

The belt works by stimulating your nerves with mild electricity, which contracts the muscles, just like you would by doing sit ups or crunches. I wore it in front of the TV, while doing dishes and while vaccuming the house, it was great!

Before I got the Flex Belt ab belt, a lot of friends and people that read this site would ask me "do ab belts work?" I never thought they would do a whole lot, but now I can answer with an emphatic YES! After two weeks, my entire abdominal area felt much firmer. Instead of doing countless crunches and silly sit ups all and only targeting one or two muscles, the ab belt as seen on TV targeted ALL my abdominal muscles.

It really felt like the abdominal belt was stimulating muscles deep into my core, I was really surprised how well it worked. The fact that it was so portable was great too, I sometimes even wear it on a walk around the local park.

I highly reccomend the Flex Belt, just start slow, it can really crunch your gut if you turn it too high too fast. However, it's nice to know that the belt has such a range of workouts.
Visit the official FlexBelt website »